From time to time, we try to showcase a digital marketing campaign that grabs our attention. We like to share them in hopes that each will spark a little marketing inspiration for our clients and friends. Toms Shoes’ current campaign, One Day Without Shoes, truly inspires us to think smarter and create deeper. We hope it will for you too.
To celebrate Toms Shoes birthday, they are using the social media platform, Instagram, to bring awareness to the global problem of children needing shoes. It’s not hard to take a step back from our extremely busy lives to see that every community has children in need of shoes.
The campaign is extremely simple, Take A Pic = Give Shoes. Toms Shoes is asking 1 million people to take a picture of their bare feet, post it to Instagram and tag it using the hashtag #WithOutShoes. In this selfie driven world, Toms Shoes knows people will grasp the concept extremely easily. With every post of a tagged bare foot, Toms Shoes will give away a free pair of shoes.
As we write this blog, people have uploaded over 246,000 pictures. If they reach their goal, then 1 million or more consumers will see the shoe’s brand. That is crazy brand awareness. The campaign ends on May 21 and Toms Shoes is asking everyone to follow #WithOutShoes and help celebrate the results of the campaign. This gives the company a second chance to stay top of mind by getting their brand in front of millions again.
We think this social media campaign is genius. It truly illuminates the Helen Keller statement, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Toms Shoes knows this, and in doing so is getting their brand in front of millions and millions of consumers. Join us as we participate.